How many eggs do you eat per day? Even though it’s useful It is not harmful to the body.

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Eat one egg a day Along with food from all 5 food groups, emphasizing fresh vegetables and fruits, eating according to age is recommended to help strengthen the body’s growth and strength. 

Eggs are a good quality protein food that is cheap, easily available, and has nutritional value suitable for all age groups. Contains all essential amino acids for the body. It is a source of important minerals. That are beneficial to the body, such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus, which help strengthen bones. And is a source of important vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B6, folate, vitamin D, vitamin E, and lecithin that provide benefits to the body. Which consumes eggs wisely. It will provide the body with a variety of nutrients sufficient to meet the body’s needs.

The amount of eggs you should eat each day

  • Children from 6 months old should start with mashed boiled egg yolks, half to 1 egg per day.
  • Children aged 7 months and up should eat half to 1 hard-boiled egg per day.
  • Children aged 1 year and up to the elderly can eat one hard-boiled egg per day.

For patients with diabetes and high blood lipids High blood pressure: Eat 3 eggs per week or consume only egg whites every day. According to the doctor’s advice. It is important to take care of other food consumption as well. Especially foods that are high in fat. And eat a variety of foods at each meal By having food such as rice – flour, cereals, meat, vegetables, fruits, all 5 groups in appropriate proportions. For nutritional value and complete nutrients Especially fresh fruits and vegetables will help reduce cholesterol and excess fat levels to normal.

If parents want their children to eat eggs every day and not get bored. You should use cooking methods that include adding vegetables to eggs to encourage children to eat vegetables. Such as omelets or poached eggs with finely chopped vegetables. It also promotes physical growth for children.

Precautions for eating eggs

  • You should avoid eating raw eggs. Because if the eggs are not cooked, they may be contaminated with microorganisms that will prevent the absorption of biotin. It makes it difficult to digest and therefore does not receive the full benefit.
  • Should be consumed in the form of boiled eggs, steamed eggs, and stewed eggs. They will have approximately less fat than fried eggs, omelet, โปรโมชั่น ufabet and son-in-law’s eggs.
  • It is best to use unsaturated oils. May be eaten as egg salad or boiled egg salad because it will get substances from eggs. And get fiber and vitamin C from vegetables and fruits.
  • Foods that should be avoided are: Fried egg bread with bacon or sausage Because it gets a very high amount of fat from the bacon oil used for frying. and butter on bread
  • For seniors with dental problems who cannot eat other protein foods It is recommended to eat eggs as a source of protein instead of meat.
  • Elderly people who have high blood fat problems may avoid eating egg yolks at certain meals.