Baccarat 101 formula that new kids should not miss. Come on, don’t be shocked that this article will bring Baccarat formulas to both newbies. Old hands to try as many as 101 formulas because what we are going to talk. About today is Baccarat money walking formula 101 that beginners use Baccarat formula to learn. Even the experts in this line of gambling still use it. But what is it? Well, let’s see.

What is fixed money walk?
Baccarat 101 formula has a flat betting principle. Also known as This is a “fixed rate move” as opposed to the Martingale or 1324 that uses the progressive principle or rollover. Therefore, the use of Progression money is suitable for those are proficient in playing. Using the Baccarat money walk formula. quite fluent But for those who are starting to enter the industry of baccarat. It is recommended that The flat betting system is the safest thing.
That said, it’s good because fixed bets are very low-risk. It means that our funds will stay with us for a long time. Play with many eyes. So it’s not suitable for people who are impatient. who have to come to Ploy Hua Hot just because it gives a small profit in each eye Before it can come up, it will go up slowly and slowly, unlike those compounding formulas that give skyrocketing profits. At the same time, it will lead us down the abyss when we lose.
the heart of Baccarat money walking formula 101 is that whether we gain or lose, we have to place bets in the same amount, do not increase, do not reduce, there is only one principle to remember.
Example of using Baccarat 101 formula
Let’s talk like this. If you don’t have an example to see, it’s going to be difficult for you to use. I will give an example of playing baccarat using the 101 formula for placing bets as follows.
Let’s just say I’m betting on the long banker side, because there’s a chance that we’ll win a bit more. Even if he only pays 0.95 times when we bet correctly
- 1st eye bet on the dealer 100 baht, the banker side wins We got a profit back of 95 baht.
- 2nd eye bet on the dealer 100 baht, the banker side wins again We got another 95 baht profit, now the retained profit is 190 baht.
- The 3rd eye bets on the dealer for 100 baht. The dealer is out again. Our retained earnings increased to 285 baht.
- The 4th eye stabbed the dealer for another 100 baht, this time lost, lost 100 baht, leaving a profit of 185 baht.
- The 5th eye is not afraid. Let’s arrange the dealer again. 100 baht. Lost again. Only 85 baht profit left.
- 6th eye, bet the dealer as usual, 100 baht, come back to win, get profit increased to 185 baht
- 7th turn, bet on the dealer for 100 baht, win again as usual Retained earnings are at 285 baht.
- The 8th eye stabs the dealer for 100 baht, returns to lose, and the profit is 185 baht.
From the example of just 8 eyes. If we bet according to the flat betting principle. We will get a profit of 175 baht. In addition, when losing, there is nothing to worry about. Because we still have profits that we have to continue to stab And even if we lose, we do not need to roll up the bet for the money to run out quickly as well. But if we use the Progression method or roll over when losing according to the Martingale formula, in the 5th turn, we will need to bet 200 baht (the remaining profit is 185 baht, take an additional 15 baht)
Even so, if I were to decide which Baccarat 101 or Martingale formula is better. Try asking yourself what you want from playing baccarat online. If you want a big profit Don’t want to waste a lot of time, have to Martingale, but it’s a bit more risky that if we roll over and still lose. We must have enough money to roll in. Of course, this method will run out of money quickly. fewer rounds left And it gets hotter and hotter if we roll up the bet until the end of the UFABET table’s ceiling and still not get it back. But if you want to have fun or experience playing here Baccarat 101 money walk formula can definitely help and it will make us enjoy gambling on online casino can be longer too
before parting today. Whether you are a newbie. An old hand or a seasoned hand in the online baccarat industry. I would like everyone to set a goal to play every time as well. Because even if the baccarat money walk formula will be guaranteed how good. It wouldn’t help if we didn’t have the discipline to play. Play with emotion rather than reason. have been insatiable want more Lose it and try to get it back. In the end, it’s just a gambling ghost waiting for the expiration date.